By Jennifer Nguyen, Staff Writer

For the past month at Fountain Valley High School, the Associated Student Body (ASB), Baron Broadcast News (BBN), dancers, athletes and Royal Regiment members have been working diligently to deliver a cruise-themed homecoming assembly.
Seniors Yasir Khaleq and Michael Piepmeyer were seen taking a cruise ship around the world, in search for the winning homecoming proposal video. With help from Dr. Morgan Smith and the 2017-2018 winter sports captains, Khaleq and Piepmeyer were given clues that helped them track down the winning video, as well as return back to home to make it in time for the homecoming game.
After deciphering all the clues that they were given, Smith revealed that seniors Alex Tran and Vinh Nguyen were the winners of the homecoming video contest and were given two free tickets to homecoming at the Balboa Pavilion.
The assembly finished with the homecoming court showing off their moves with everyone involved in the assembly joining them, making the audience jump with excitement. This year’s assembly was surely not one to be missed.