By Precious Oweiss, staff writer
The varsity lady Baron Field Hockey team took an eventful turn towards victory against Westminster High School with a score of 2-1. The team players worked well throughout the game and were able to stay ahead of the opposing team the entire time.
Senior captains Alyssa Lambert and Jada Rivera scored the two goals that the team needed in order to achieve the victory. “Our team is improving so much compared to the beginning of the season. We have come such a long way and I’m so excited to see what we will be like at the end of this season,” said Lambert.
Blocking many possible opposing goals, sophomore goalie Maria Ramirez stayed consistent as she watched the Lions carefully. She personally contributed to aiding the team to a triumph.
Starting from the beginning of the first quarter, the lady barons were up by one goal. They continued playing in pursuit of achieving their goal by communicating and passing throughout the entire game.
About halfway through the first quarter, the lady barons took a time-out to regroup and make a plan against the Westminster Lions. The plan surely aided them and helped process the passes successfully.
By the second quarter, the lady barons scored their second goal on the field to win the game. Using a persistent and firm mindset, the girls obtained enough unity as a team to defeat the opposing Lions.
The girls’ next game will be against Edison on Tuesday, Oct. 24 at home.