Nov. 8th marked the one year anniversary of the election of Donald Trump. Students had various answers as they explained what they thought of Trump’s presidency so far.
“In terms of the financial crisis, apparently he has restored a lot of jobs and in terms of the job market. He has increased it a bit but overall, he has not done much. If we are still 21 trillion [dollars in debt] and climbing, I thinks it’s a bit concerning,” said senior Casey Hung.
“I am actually kind of scared of what he has been doing and what his decisions are. I don’t think he has done a very good job at everything and I think that he could do better,” said sophomore Mercedes Zamora.
“Personally, I don’t like Trump. I feel that the way he ran his campaign showed that if he were to be elected, his presidency would exclude a lot of people and benefit a very small percentage of the people. So I feel like the main issue is that he does not listen to the majority and a lot of other people do’t listen to the majority of people on very controversial topics. He refuses to see that point of view and he goes off with his own belief I feel that our standards should not be that low,” said sophomore Siomara Ponce.
“Well I don’t think he actually did anything wrong because I actually support Trump because I don’t see anything wrong about him. I think that his idea of building a wall and like having a bunch of immigrants deported is a good idea because terrorists now are coming over, and are killing a bunch of people. So by lessening the amount of immigrants in the U.S., we will have less danger in the U.S. I would tell him that I support what he is doing and ignore all the news and hate about you and ignore all the pests bringing you down,” said sophomore Susan Le.
“Well, honestly, I never liked Trump and I never supported him. I honestly think he is the worst person to be elected. But right now, even though he is still in office, I feel like the country is changing. People are becoming more politically active and people are caring. They are realizing that their vote matters. It’s amazing because for a dude so divisive, he brought together a country on a lot of issues and honestly, right now I think the public favors against him which is obviously a good thing. It’s not great having him in office but I’m glad the country took this moment to come together,” said senior Ava Nguyen.
“I feel like he has had so many scandals in the past year and I can’t believe he is still around. I feel like he hasn’t done much throughout his presidency so far except get rid of a few programs that a lot of people liked as far as I know. I don’t like his views on immigrants and women and pretty much every minority except for white men,” said senior Brett McCready.
“I think he’s doing okay for what it is. There have definitely think that there have been better presidents out there but in the terms of the election, I really feel he was the better candidate out of the two. I think he has done a few good things. There are some things that perhaps I don’t agree with but I don’t keep track of all of his policies because I’m more focused on my schoolwork. Trump gets a lot of hate but he is our president and as a nation, we should come together and still try to be the best. It doesn’t matter if you’re a Democrat or Republican. We’re still one nation,” said junior Steven Ezzat.
“I think that some of his policies could be better. I think that with some, we could do without. However, I think that he has done a decent job as a president but could do better. In all honesty, I think that he should be more sympathetic for people with families in different countries such as the travel ban, which I think was a very bad card to pull. Humor is good and all but there comes a point to draw the line,” sad junior Gabriel Byler.