On Jan. 30, 2018, President Donald Trump gave his first State of the Union Address. A State of the Union Address is given by a president every year to reflect on the nation’s growth and plans of the future. Some highlights of his address were his plans to tighten up border security and his reduction of the unemployment rate in America. Below are the student’s opinions on his speech:
“Just based on how it was as a speech, I actually liked it because he was just able to give out confidence and how he wanted to make people confident in himself and America too and I think he accomplished that. I liked the majority of what he said because he got all these kinds of heroes whether they be firefighters or policemen or soldiers and he was able to just talk about them and America as a whole. I really liked that part of it,” said junior James Do. Photo by Aminah Khan.
“I like how most of the ideas he brought up were focused more on unity and bringing together a country as a whole but I don’t like how he tried to force his agenda during the speech,” said freshman Eric Pham. Photo by Aminah Khan.
“Overall, he addressed important points and talked about the highlights of the year although I feel like he did mention some facts that aren’t completely true,” said sophomore Joud Baghal. Photo by Aminah Khan
“I liked hearing about our nation’s successes when it comes to our people and our economy, but most especially our safety. This was one of the first times I listened to one of Donald Trump’s speeches since he was elected, because oftentimes, all he said was misleading and ended in arguments. But I really liked hearing all the success America has made. It makes me proud to be a part of this nation,” said sophomore Ava Rahgoshay. Photo by Aminah Khan.
“I think President Trump had good points in his speech and thats why the people clapped so much. Also, he didn’t stutter so much and was very confident. This appealed to everyone and he repeated the savings and deductions of tax. Also, he would also compliment America throughout his speech over and over again which became a little repetitive. He talked clearly so people could understand and not too fast. I think it was good content wise because he presented a bunch of points, for example, health care, infrastructure, child care, military and cabinet,” said junior Joanne Dang. Photo by Aminah Khan