By Aminah Khan, Elise Tran and Lauren Nguyen, Staff Writers
Last Wednesday, students got the opportunity to seek advice from and discuss personal issues with Fountain Valley High School (FVHS) school psychologists, guidance counselors and administrators. The two sessions were held at lunch in room 307 and after school in the cafeteria.
“We just want to let students know that there’s a place for them to talk… There’s a lot going on in the world today and that there’s a place for you to talk about it and ask questions because it’s kind of scary sometimes and safety is really important and we just want to make sure you all feel safe here at school,” said Lindsey Gonzalez, a guidance specialist at FVHS.
Cynthia Olaya, the school psychologist at FVHS, planned the sessions three days in advance with the intention of allowing students to receive answers their problems and be aware of the student help and support resources that are available at school.
“[The main concern is] pressure. I think kids are really pressured, home-pressures, side pressures, pressures from each other. A lot of students are miseducated about what they need in order to go to college so we’re working to clear up a lot of rumors and try to explain that no everyone’s path is going to look the same and that’s fine,” said Gonzalez.
Both sessions struggled to attract students because many students were not aware the sessions were being held.
At the session after school, two infographics were provided, one listing contact information of hospitals and clinics, 24-hour hotlines, shelters and other support services and the other recommending to students ways to apps, publications, websites and local experts that could help students with improving themselves.
Principal Morgan Smith reached out to all FVHS students via email in addition to announcing it on the school’s public Facebook page. A few parents and students commented on the post about the help FVHS was offering.
“Direct action. Love it. Put it on our log,” read one parent comment.