By Lindsey Nguyen, Staff Writer & Olivia Krueger, Sports Editor
Senior Antony Vu sets the volleyball for Junior Justine Loy to spike the ball against the Los Alamitos Griffins. Photo by Elise TranBy Lindsey Nguyen, Staff Writer & Olivia Krueger, Sports Editor
In a home game against the Los Alamitos Grifins, the boys came up short with the score of 2-3.
Fountain Valley started the game off with the ball, but the Griffins gained the next few points due to aces and shanked balls. Quickly, the Barons sided out and scored with an ace from junior Justin Loy. The two teams battled it out with great hits from seniors Ben Minch and Alvin Nguyen. The end of a close game left the Barons with a score of 20-25.
“As a team, I think we did really well. We got a lot of good plays and great digs with big hits, but [Los Al] is a really good team,” said Minch.
A shaky start to the second set didn’t phase the Barons as they sided out and gained many points against the Griffins. Multiple swings from seniors Brandon Crowe and Jared Loudenback left the crowd at the edge of their seats as they cheered on. With the energy from the crowd, the Barons were able to get up digs and many blocks were made by junior Loy and senior Minch. Great effort was shown in the Barons as they took the set with an ending score of 25-19.
The third set began with points going back and forth between the Barons and the Griffins. Minch took multiple swings cross court and down the line with aces from senior Antony Vu, helping the score against the Griffins. Blocks from seniors Henry Nguyen and Loudenback alongsid Loy defended the Baron side and a final hit from Minch ended the set with a score of 25-20.
“I think [ we need to improve ] our blocking. They shouldn’t have gotten that many clean kills on us… most of the guys on the team were pretty small,” said Minch.
A block out of bounds initiated the start of the fourth set to give the Barons the first point. The Barons and Griffins fought back and forth for points with aggressive swings from Minch and Nguyen. Alongside, Loy and Loudenback made impressive blocks at the net. A service error at 11-22 gave the Barons a point and the Griffin head coach a yellowcard. In the end, the score was 15-25.
In a nail biting final set, the Barons started off shaky with a score of 0-5. However, a great swing from Minch broke the unlucky streak. Great plays were made by Crowe and Loudenback. However, with great effort, the Barons ended a close game at 9-15.
“I think I did really well. I was having a lot of fun… when I have fun, I usually play really well,” said Minch.