“I do turn off my location services because I don’t need people knowing where I have been and who I have been talking to. It’s completely scary to know that someone is always watching you,” said Junior Zeyna Yasmin.
“Honestly it’s a really good idea to turn off your location services. It’s very scary what people can do with your location. I turned off mine because I thought it was a good idea with the whole scandal with Facebook that was happening nowadays,” said Sophomore Safa Yayo.
“I believe turning off your location services is a must. I don’t want people to know where I am and what I am doing every single moment of my life through Snapchat or Facebook,” said Senior Darren Trinh.
“I actually do turn off my location services. I am very scared that people will track me and find me. I think it’s kinda creepy actually. It’s none of their business to know where I am going and where I am. I’m hoping that I wasn’t hacked or anything. I think it’s a good idea for everyone to just turn off their location too,” said Senior Alan Ma.
” I don’t think that the whole location services thing is a huge issue. I do not turn off my own because I believe that I am safe. I use all the social medias; Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and etc. I think that everything is fine and I will just keep using the apps like I have already been using,” said Senior Eric Nguyen.
“I actually do not turn off location services because I am not scared. I do not think that my location or any information of mine was leaked out. Although, I do know about everything that is going on. I believe I am fine and not in any danger at all,” said Senior Ian Mckeever.