By Olivia Krueger, Sport Editor, and Vivian Yenson, Staff Writer
Out of these 10 great candidates, who will be the next Mr. Baron? Check back for live updates!
Senior Lexie Geltman and junior Natalie Scott come out as the masters of ceremonies. Photo by Vivian YensonThe 10 constants show off their dancing skills with a performance of their cheorgraphed dance. Photo by Vivian Yenson
Contestant Matthew Mallory is introduced (not pictured).
Contestant Steven Le is introduced (not pictured).
Contestant Cody Do is introduced. Photo by Vivian Yenson
Contestant Michael Klug is introduced. Photo by Vivian YensonContestant Paul Vu is introduced. Photo by Vivian Yenson
Contestant Chase Wolfe is introduced. Photo by Vivian YensonContestant Brett McCready is introduced. Photo by Cisco NguyenContestant Michael Piepmyer is introduced. Photo by Vivian YensonContestant Noah Nguyen is introduced. Photo by Vivian YensonContestant Oscar Benitez is introduced. Photo by Vivian Yenson.Paul Vu performs his choreographed dance to “Single Ladies” by Beyonce. Photo by Vivian YensonMichael Piepmeyer lip syncs to “Stayin’ Alive” by the Bee Gees. Photo by Vivian Yenson.Oscar Benitez performs his choreographed dance and lip sync to “Un Poco Loco” by Anthony Gonzalez & Garcia Bernal. Photo by Cisco Nguyen.Brett McCready lip syncs to “Never Gonna Give You Up” by Rick Astley. Photo by Vivian Yenson.Matthew Mallory sings “La Chona”. Photo by Vivian Yenson.Noah Nguyen performs “Breaking Free” from High School Musical. Photo by Vivian Yenson.Chase Wolfe dances and lip syncs to “Born this Way” by Lady Gaga. Photo by Cisco Nguyen.Cody Do performs an ode to his hometown in Texas. Photo by Vivian Yenson.“What would you want to be and why” “I think you are asking the wrong question, we should be adressing world peace, hunger, and children.” Photo by Cisco NguyenMichael Klug lip syncs to “You Belong with Me” by Taylor Swift. Photo by Vivian Yenson.Oscar is asked “If you could go anywhere where would you go?” “I’d go to the seven wonders of the world” “Why?” “To see the seven wonders of the world.” Photo by Cisco NguyenPaul is asked ”What’s was your most embarrassing moment?” “Asking out my girlfriend with “whats your favorite color.”Michael is asked “If you take miss Fountain Valley out on a date, where would you take her?” “Id take her to Fountain Valley because its a nice place to live. I’d take her to mile square park and FVHS”. Photo by Cisco NguyenMichael Klug is asked “Can you describe your typical Saturday night?” “I spend my Saturdays with the boys.” Photo by Cisco NguyenMichael Piepmeyer shows off his sweeping skills to the tunes of various songs.Brett is asked “If you could tell your past self something, what would it be?” “Dont be afraid to mess up becasue you’re going to mess up alot. Like A LOT” Photo by Cisco NguyenBrett McCready performs his comedy routine. Photo by Vivian Yenson.Matthew Mallory and Oscar Benitez perform a series of skits; Mallory plays the piano while Oscar attempts ballet, they read “A Woket in my Pocket” to the tune of “Walk it like I talk it” by Migos and spin around on bats. Photo by Vivian Yenson.Matthew Mallory plays the piano while Oscar attempts ballet. Photo by Vivian Yenson.Michael Klug performs ventriloquism with his “puppet”. Photo by Vivian YensonAfter spinning around on bats, Benetiz and Mallory compete to see who is more “Mexican” by eating a watermelon with Tajin after spinning in circles. Photo by Vivian Yenson.Steven Le performs a magic trick with audience contestant Andrew Pham. Photo by Vivian Yenson.Chase Wolfe demonstrates his boxing skills. Photo by Vivian Yenson.Cody Do shows a video that demonstrating his various talents. Photo by Vivian Yenson.Noah Nguyen impersonate Bob Ross by painting a portrait. Photo by Vivian Yenson.Michael Klug performs ventriloquism with his “puppet”. Photo by Vivian Yenson.Paul Vu performs “Sweatshirt” by Jacob Sartorius. Photo by Vivian Yenson.Cody Do is announced as the runner-up. Photo by Vivian Yenson.Michael Klug is announced as the crowd favorite. Photo by Vivian Yenson.Michael Piepmyer is announced as Mr. Baron 2018.The contestants gather in a group hug to close out the show. Photo by Vivian Yenson.