My dearest Student Advice Time Team,
There’s this guy on the track team that I’m in love with. I want to tell him my feelings, but I’m just too scared that I’ll get rejected. Do I just stare at him from the bleachers or do I take a shot and confess my feelings for him? I’m so torn. —Conflicted Connie
Ambitious Aminah: Okay right off the bat, you need to stop behaving like a stalker. Chances are, you don’t think he sees you but he’s actually aware of your stalkery. Go out there and make some light conversation with him! Don’t jump right into this thinking that he’ll reciprocate feelings if he has never even spoken to you. The best idea would be to become well acquainted with him and them start dropping hints that you might have feelings. See if he returns the feelings before jumping right into it. One thing for sure, Get off the bench and go have an actual conversation with him because you Khan do it!
Effective Elise: I am on the rocks about this. As someone with absolutely no experience, I have no idea what to tell you, but I’ll give you a suggestion anyway. If you are aware that they do have interest in you, even just a little bit, drop a couple hints that you have interest in them. Another surefire way is to get your friends to do some sleuthing. You know that one scarily skilled stalker friend? She is your number one shot at getting you a date. Get all of the confirmations and details that you can get. On the other hand there’s no shame to being single in high school! Live your life with none of that love drama and focus on yourself.
Laidback Lindsey: (who’s very single and so ready to mingle): You should definitely go for it! You can’t ever know if they reciprocate feelings unless you put yourself out there. If everything goes to plan then you’d have a significant other just right in front of you! Why are you guys wasting time playing the waiting game? Don’t wait four minutes because he didn’t respond to you in thirty seconds. That’s three minutes and thirty seconds wasted of not talking to your mans who’s not your mans (yet). I don’t know about the rest of the world, but I like someone who’s confident enough to admit their feelings like that. The spontaneity of it all will just make their head explode (hopefully in a good way). Even if things turn for the worst, at least now you know how they truly feel about you. With this information, you can get closure and move on (at your own pace, you should never rush!) to the next person.
We waste so much time sitting there waiting for something to happen and it is so anti-climactic. Some people, for some reason, can’t see what wonderful, amazing treasure is placed in front of them and they just need a little nudge. Make the first move, whether you’re a girl, guy, or both. It doesn’t matter, the only thing that does is your feelings! Just throw yourself out there! You can’t stare at them from the distance and hope they realize they’re 100% in love with you after glancing your way. If you need more in depth advice, feel free to direct message us @fvhssatteam!
Judgy John: You do you, boo. Just remember, hopes and risks lie ahead of you. But that depends on your relationship with him now. If you aren’t that close of friends, go for it! You’ve got nothing to lose and if he rejects you it won’t hurt as much. But if you’re really close friends with this young man you’re in risk of losing that friendship. And you may end up crying and eating ten buckets of ice cream because you’re sad and angsty over being rejected. Honestly, it hurts, I get it. Netflix and ice cream only make temporary relief, remember that.
Ultimately the choice is up to you and you can’t blame me or the whole SAT team for any emotional instability. I wish you the best of luck! No matter what though, in the end you’re going to find someone.
P.S. I’m currently single and looking for someone right now, slide into my dm’s @johnl.e on Instagram! Currently single and ready to eat pringle(s) with chu.