There’s currently a growing opposition of school dress codes across the country. Some believe that the regulations are an effective means to help students look the part for success, but others argue that it stifles a student’s capacity to learn. FVHS students voice their beliefs arguing whether or not school dress codes should be necessary in an academic environment with the current hot summer weather in California.
“I understand why girls want to wear shorts and I think that’s, like, fine, but I think there’s like a limit to what they should probably wear. But, yeah, I understand that and tube tops are okay as long as they wear a jacket, you know? But I feel that sometimes supervision’s a little too strict about it,” said sophomore Sarah Jang.
“We live in California; it’s really hot, like 80, 90 degrees sometimes, and I don’t want to wear a long sleeve or a T-shirt. I want to be able to be expressive with my body because I’m proud of it. And I feel that men shouldn’t sexualize us because it’s 2018, almost 2019 and you should respect women […],” said junior Jackie Nguyen.
“I actually went to a middle school that had dress codes and it pissed me off, honestly. Like, I didn’t like it. I don’t think dress codes should be a thing. Because, well, it’s just restricting, you know, what you wear for what, really? Like, obviously, you shouldn’t have, like, cuss words on your shirt, but that’s obvious, you know? It shouldn’t really go farther than that,” said freshman Zack Thatcher.
“I mean, it doesn’t matter if it’s for comfortability mixed with like, a sense of like- well, it all depends on what factors there are. There’s like temperatures, trends. I think that the school dress code should be lessened a bit for, like, super-hot temperatures because, like, come on, you don’t want to burn to death outside,” said sophomore Thanh To.
“Yes, it is hot in California, but it does not give us an excuse to wear clothes that aren’t appropriate for school. Because it does just come down to whether or not it’s actually distracting other students so it is important whether or not- what we do and how we cover our bodies,” said sophomore Lana Zaide.
“I don’t really have any opinions on the dress code, but I think it should be a little bit more lenient because boys aren’t going to get really aroused over girl’s shoulders and what not so I think it should be less strict,” said sophomore Emily Lai.