By Tara Choe, Staff Writer
Neil Armstrong, born on August 5, 1930 near Wapakoneta, Ohio, is known as an American hero through his exceptional achievements in aeronautical engineering and becoming the first man to walk on the moon.
Armstrong serves as an inspiration to mankind that people of all ages have the ability to continue research on their passions and to continue learning every day.
He was a command pilot on Gemini 8 which was his first space flight that successfully linked an Agena target satellite. Armstrong’s success led him to be a part of Apollo 11- the first lunar landing mission.
Apollo 11 with pilot Buzz Aldrin was recorded as a victory for the United States. The mission gave people inspiration that anything is possible and dreams can become a reality.
He inspired generations of children to pursue their dreams in aeronautic studies and discover the possibilities that defy gravity.
On August 25, 2012 Armstrong passed away with a memory of millions around the world looking up to him for all he has done in his life. People remember him by simply looking at the moon and reminiscing the past of how great the United States must have felt that day on July 20, 1969.
Armstrong was a great influence that became my hero for such a long time due to his perseverance and hope that one day anybody can walk on the moon.
Thank you Armstrong, for everything.