Students are given lockers from when they were in middle school up to senior year of high school. Regardless of if they use it or not they are assigned one every year until they graduate. Some students share their opinion on whether or not schools should have lockers for students.
“I don’t really use it [my locker] because I have to go out of my way to use it. I think it’s necessary, especially if you bring your textbooks. I just don’t want to walk to my locker when it’s far from my classes,” said sophomore Trinity Truong. Photo by Elyssa Phan.
“I don’t use my locker a lot. I don’t have a lot of stuff to put in there. For the people that bring stuff, it’s necessary. But for the people who don’t, it’s just there. Pros are you can put stuff in your locker. For example, if you bring lunch and you don’t have anywhere to store it you can just put it in your locker. Cons are you don’t use it a lot. Maybe you can just put your textbooks in there, but that’s it,” said freshman Arturo Ocampo. Photo by Elyssa Phan.
” I use it [my locker] everyday because I have some books for my fourth period and it’s in the same hall. Sometimes I like to put my jackets in there. Yes, it is necessary because everyone would be carrying their books everywhere. Pros are you get to keep stuff in there and it makes your backpack lighter. For cons I don’t really have any, but some are a little gross and that’s it,” said sophomore Ashley Phan. Photo by Elyssa Phan.
“I don’t use it [my locker] very often because I just carry all my stuff around. It just depends on the type of stuff you have. Some might not want to use it or some might need it depending on if their backpack can carry it or not or if they want to carry it,” said sophomore Andrew Nguyen. Photo by Elyssa Phan.
“[I use my locker] Pretty often actually because some of the teachers still use textbooks and they want us to bring it to class. There’s not a lot of space for everyone to have one and they’re quite small, so it’s kind of hard to fit everything inside. I also feel like they’ve been deteriorating over the years,” said junior Alyssa Childers. Photo by Elyssa Phan.
“I never use my locker because I don’t need to put books in my locker. It’s necessary because some classes require you to bring your textbooks. Pros are you can store things that normally wouldn’t fit in your backpack. Cons would be if there’s no use for it, it’s just a waste of a locker,” said freshman Dylan Phan. Photo by Elyssa Phan.