By Kayla Hoang & Jessica Nguyen, Staff Writers
Teachers like to provide online game-based learning platforms to provide their students a way to practice and test their knowledge on a specific topic during class. Out of these primary resources, which actually provides the best learning experience for students
Most commonly used in schools are Kahoot, Quizziz, and Quizlet Live, all supplying students with a fun and interactive method to study their material. All three platforms have their own separate capabilities that give students a useful path to walk through their lesson. The teacher can design and edit their own games for their students to enjoy. All three have their own advantages and disadvantages when it comes to the learning environment.
Kahoot was one of the original online games used for learning the school material for teachers and students. The teacher leads and creates each question while the students answer them when displayed on the screen. It’s more animated compared to Quizziz and Quizlet Live, given its vibrant colors onscreen and the energetic music, encouraging students to answer each question quickly. There’s a leaderboard of the players depending on speed and accuracy, though its fast-paced music also may not help with correctness since they want to answer quickly.
Quizizz has started to also be a primary gaming staple for teachers in their classrooms. It’s almost the same as Kahoot, except students can actually read the choices on their own device. Like Kahoot, Quizziz puts students on a leaderboard based on accuracy. The game isn’t nearly as bright and musical compared to Kahoot, but it establishes a well set starting line for students to see their improvement.
Quizlet Live is more directed towards vocabulary compared to the other gaming platforms. Students are beckoned out of their seats into randomly organized teams, where they have the opportunity to interact and communicate with other students to win the game. Each team player is given a set of words to match to the definition, and all teams are enthusiastic to attempt to answer all the given vocabulary words first. However, Quizlet Live isn’t as useful for grammar or other types of questions that aren’t vocabulary-based.
In a recent survey for FVHS students, Kahoot takes the win with 50% of voters for its excitement and fast-pace that seems to enhance the learning experience. About 42% of students preferred to use Quizizz. Many enjoy the ease, low pressure, and ability to go at their own pace of Quizizz. The rest (8%) preferred Quizlet Live.
Even though Kahoot is the best method of learning, Quizizz and Quizlet live are still exceptional, fun ways.
“I think Quizizz, Kahoot, and Quizlet Live are all useful, interactive, and fun ways to learn and/or review any concept, each with its own advantages as well as drawbacks. All three feature search capabilities so that you can find and edit games that have already been made by others; however, if you want to create game from scratch, it’s fairly intuitive,” said Michael Chappell, teacher at FVHS.