By Lindsey Nguyen, Social Media Manager
Do you remember your childhood Christmas mornings? You wake up at the crack of dawn because you’ve been eager all month to finally see what presents your family has gotten you. Aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents shove through your front door to try and wish you a ‘Merry Christmas’ while pinching your cheeks as tight as they possibly can. All day on Christmas you’ll be opening presents, not a worry in sight. You don’t need to break your little piggy bank to go out and buy something for your parents because your teacher has already let you decorate a frame with your picture in it.
But now that’s changed. You’re at that point in life when all the cousins are grown up and Christmas present time turns into “here’s an envelope with the least amount of money I wanted to give you, but it’s still an appropriate amount for you not to hate me” time. Suddenly, instead of you expecting your parents to get you something more of value. All month they’ll claim “I don’t need anything!”, but will then continue to jokingly shame you for not getting them anything.
Let’s face it, not a lot of us have jobs and our only source of “income” is our allowance (if you even have one). It’s one thing to have to get your immediate family something to grab from under the dying Christmas tree, but imagine having to buy things for all your friends? If they get you a gift, that means you need to take the time and money to go out of your way to get them something. Now you’re out of money and the only thing you can get is a gift card to some store you barely shop at. You can’t even throw the “You don’t have to get me anything!” card because they will keep insisting because they are “a good friend”. If you were really a “good friend”, you would realize we are broke and leave us alone.
We live in a materialistic age where we believe that the more digits on a price tag, the more love it shows. We’ve forgotten that the holidays are meant to take the time to spend with your family and close friends. Love used to be measured by how much we would sacrifice and support the people around us. Little love notes, handmade gifts and just showing up for the little things is all we really need this holiday season. Tell your parents you love them! Give your friends the hug they haven’t gotten in a while.
If you really want to give them something they’ll love, here is a DIY for you: Voucher coupons. Remember those little coupon packets you would give your parents on Mother’s or Father’s day? They still are relevant and can work for friends as well. Make them custom to each love members. Spice it up and add little love notes, funny poems and etc. Here are some ideas.
Family Member:
- Chore Reliever: I will take care of all your chores for the next 24 hours.
- Hug Coupon: This coupon will get you one hug for ten seconds.
- Breakfast in bed: Please present this coupon one day before with your order on the back for breakfast in bed!
- Get out of jail free card: Don’t want to take me to that lame birthday party? That’s fine.
- Streak Week: Finals week? No worries! I’ll take care of your streaks for the rest of the week
- Super Uber: Parents out of town? Car in the shop? I’ll be your uber for the next 24 hours!
- Hug Coupon: Ten second cuddle for my favorite friend!
- “Roses are Red, You owe me $3 bucks, I want it back, or else you suck (love you).”
- Bad Day Coupon: Who broke your heart? I’m on my way with movies and ice cream.