DIY Holiday Cards

By Elyssa Phan, Staff Writer & Photographer


  • Cardstock paper
  • Glitter
  • Paint chips (from Home Depot / Lowes)
  • Plastic gems
  • Glue
  • Markers
  • Paint (watercolor or acrylic)
  • Optional: pom poms/ googly eyes

(Card A- Reindeer) Instructions:

  1. Start by painting some antlers near the top of the card.
  2. Draw loose lines connecting the antlers.
  3. Glue plastic gems below the lines to resemble Christmas lights.
  4. Glue googly eyes below the antlers and a red pom pom below the eyes, or draw these in.
  5. Add a holiday message below!

(Card B- Christmas tree on car) Instructions:

  1. Start sketching a car with a Christmas tree on top and color it in with watercolor or markers.
  2. Glue on glitter wherever you like.
  3. Add a holiday message below.

(Card C- Ornaments) Instructions:

  1. Glue plastic gems randomly on the card.
  2. Draw lines connecting the gems to the top of the card and loopy bows wherever you like.
  3. Apply glue to the top of the card and add glitter.
  4. Add a holiday message below.
  5. Optional: add extra embellishments such as a glittery bow or more glitter.

(Card D- Paint chip christmas trees) Instructions:

  1. Cut triangles out of your paint cards.
  2. Glue the smaller triangle onto the card however you like.
  3. Cut a strip of paper and accordion-fold it to make a pop-up sticker tab
  4. Glue one side of the tab on the back of the large triangle and the other side onto the card. This will allow the second “Christmas tree” to pop up from the card.
  5. Add a short holiday message to any blank space left on the card

(Card E- Ugly sweater) Instructions:

  1. Cut out your piece of cardstock paper into a sweater shape.
  2. Decorate the sweater as crazy or as simple as you’d like.
  3. Make sure to add a heartfelt message inside the card

    DIY Christmas Cards. Photo by Elyssa Phan.

This craft activity may seem childish and silly to you, but remember, life isn’t just about tests and projects and essays. Sometimes, it’s okay to take out the glitter, plastic gems and pom poms and just have fun. These cards don’t have to be Hallmark-fancy, decked with calligraphy. Enjoy yourself! Take a break this winter season and actually smell the hot cocoa. Make sure you tell your family you love them. Let your friends know how much you appreciate them this year and remember to enjoy your life outside of books Barons!


We hope you enjoy you pre-holiday season making these cards. Feel free to be creative and think outside the box. If you’re too lazy to make your own holiday cards, here’s a holiday gift from Baron Banner to you: