By Tara Choe, Staff Writer
For all seniors that attend Fountain Valley High School, there is an opportunity to show your creativity and amazing skills that can be recognized at Grad Night with the Senior Artwork Contest.
Ideas are to be hand drawn and in black ink with certain requirements before turning in the piece.
- Must be in portrait/vertical orientation because landscape will not be accepted.
- Relatively around medieval themed with no limits
- Must include FVHS, 2019 and the theme, Good Knight and Good Luck!
- No solid black backgrounds
- Artwork will be reduced to approximately 4 ¾ “ h x 3 ½ “ w
All seniors are eligible and one entry is admitted with instructions on how to turn in. Examples of artwork can be found with the idea of knights, maidens, castles and barons. The winner will receive the chance to earn $130 or a free Grad Night ticket with their artwork displayed on promotions and lanyard badges.
Not only does a winner receive a prize, but all entries earn 10 raffle tickets which give them the opportunity to win prizes during the raffle on Grad Night.
Instructions to turn in artwork:
- Email entries to fvhsgradnight@gmail.com
- Must include subject line of email- “FVHS Grad Night Artwork Contest and your name and student ID #
- Name, student ID # and cell phone number must be provided within the body of the email.
All entries must be turned in midnight Sunday, December 23, 2018 and you must keep a copy of work for reference. Good luck seniors!
More information can be found here.