High schoolers often choose to sacrifice their meals to keep pace with their routine due to an impacted schedule – with breakfast and lunch being the most commonly skipped. In an environment of constant stress and pressure, let’s see which students give in to the “easy solution” of skipping a meal, and which ones make it out with the proper three meals a day.
“I did not have breakfast this morning. I normally don’t have breakfast… we don’t got time for that. I eat maybe two meals a day. I’m [normally] starving when it comes to lunch,” said sophomore Rachel Pham. Photo by Elyssa Phan.
“I usually have both [breakfast and lunch]. Sometimes I skip breakfast if I don’t wake up before noon. On days that I skip breakfast, I feel good – usually better – because usually when I eat breakfas,t it’s because I wake up before noon. And then of course I have dinner everyday,” said sophomore Oskar Hua. Photo by Elyssa Phan.
“Normally, I skip breakfast. I skip breakfast because I normally wake up at noon, which is considered too late for breakfast. On days [I skip breakfast], it makes me feel fantastic ‘cause I’m saving money,” said junior Roger Nguyen. Photo by Elyssa Phan.
“I normally skip breakfast. On days that I don’t have breakfast, I feel fine. I’m kind of used to it at this point. Usually, I’d prefer to eat lunch because on days that I skip lunch, I think I get moodier,” said junior Siomara Ponce. Photo by Elyssa Phan.
“ I skip breakfast almost everyday. I don’t have time. I’m usually rushing to school. [On days that I skip breakfast or lunch], I’m usually very tired and I have to take a nap at the end of the day,” said senior Nikki Vu. Photo by Elyssa Phan.
“On days that I don’t have breakfast, I feel like it’s harder to concentrate in classes. I normally have lunch at school. When I skip lunch, I feel slower than I usually do,” said junior Russell Pham. Photo by Elyssa Phan.
“On days that I don’t have breakfast, I actually function pretty well. It’s different for the days I don’t have lunch because then I can’t concentrate in class after 5th period. I normally skip breakfast, but I eat lunch pretty much almost everyday,” said junior Cas Nicewarner. Photo by Elyssa Phan.
“Sometimes, I have breakfast late, but I do usually have breakfast and lunch. [When I have both meals], it makes me feel full, [and] I don’t have to eat or snack in between in classes and stuff. [I feel like I have enough energy with both meals] mostly, except maybe breakfast because usually in the morning I don’t want to eat as much because it’s really early, so I do maybe eat like some fruits during second period,” said sophomore Kaylie Tran. Photo by Elyssa Phan.
“Usually, I’d say it’s a 50/50 on breakfast, but I always have lunch. On days that I don’t have breakfast, I feel a little more tired, a little more hungry, but I don’t think it overall affects me. Skipping lunch, I think that’s almost worse [because] I don’t feel as good. It’s harder to concentrate in my later classes,” said junior Mia Shepard. Photo by Elyssa Phan.