By Jessica Nguyen, Staff Writer
Chances are that you heard of bullet journal whether it be on the Internet, on your Instagram or Pinterest feed. In case you didn’t know, a bullet journal is essentially a notebook that accommodates a huge variety of planning schemes. After you search it up, you’ll know what I’m talking aboutーthe aesthetic pages, fancy calligraphy and washi tape. So, is bullet journaling worth the effort and time?
Turns out, bullet journals can actually make you more productive and organized. It is a way to record everything down in a notebook in a simplified, easy and nice to look at way. Many bullet journals have daily, monthly or yearly calendars that are great for recording tasks, events, notes and lists.
Bullet journals are a tangible way to prioritize your goals and manage your time. A visual planner, although some journals aren’t, make things to do stand out clearly and help you know what you need to do. Everything is in same place and you know exactly where to find things. If you are forgetful, writing down your list in a journal makes sure that you won’t forget or lost anything.
Bullet journal is also a way to be mindful of your life. As you are writing down the things, it makes you pause to consider what you are doing. Writing things down keeps you away from your phone, minimizes distractions and helps you remember things better. Habit trackers are an insightful way to make you mindful of what you are doing; bullet journals are great for tracking goals as well.
If you are feeling bored, bullet journal helps you express your creativity and inspire you with new ideas with all the doodles, drawings and writing that you can do; take a ride on your artistic side!
So, do you have a million of to-do lists? Do you like pen and paper lists? Do you like goal-setting or habit tracking? Do you like journaling, scrapbooking and stationery? Do you like planners? If you answered yes to any of those questions, try bullet journaling!
While it may look hard or like a lot of work, bullet journaling is completely customizable to your own needs and budget. All you need is paper and a writing utensil, which are things you probably already have around your house and voilá! You have plenty of options to choose from including calendars, habit trackers and the list goes on!
If you need help getting your own bullet journal started, feel free to check out the Internet for ideas but don’t forget to have fun!