Easy birthday presents for your friends

Illustration by Kailyn Thai.

By Jessica Nguyen, Staff Writer

Wait. Check the calendar. It’s your friend’s birthday and you didn’t get him/her a present yet? No worries, here are some easy birthday presents to save your friendship.

Whether they are the number that he/she is becoming or just “Happy Birthday”, balloons are a great way to add a pop of color to your friend’s day. Find them at Dollar Tree for just a dollar.

Flowers are great for birthdays too! They carry meaningful messages and their fragrance and beauty can totally impact someone’s mood. Avoid roses unless this friend is someone that you are attracted to; they are used for more romantic occasions. Try bouquets of lilies, carnations, tulips, sunflowers, hibiscus or petunias, but if your friends likes a specific type of flower, definitely get that! You can buy a bouquet or pick your own.

If you have a little more time, make a “Happy birthday” poster for your friend. Add some funny photos of their face, cute drawings or whatever you like to make their day. It is super easy to grab some paper and markers, so let your imagination run free.

Have a lot of photos of your birthday BFF? Make a collage of you and your friend to remember the times that you’ve gone through. You could also just use one photo and frame it.

Teddy bears or stuffed animals are a gift that your friend will love beary much. They are cute, cuddly and always there to give your friend a hug when you aren’t there.

Albus Dumbledore was right when he said, “One can never have enough socks.” Socks, especially during the winter season or cold days, can keep your friend warm and looking cute.   

If you want to give something more personal, try getting a mug, card, bear, etc. for your other friends to sign to surprise your birthday friend with. You can even make a video of people wishing your friend “Happy Birthday”!

If your friend doesn’t like presents, be practical by getting them food. A drink like coffee or tea in the morning or bags of candy or chips will absolutely sweeten up their day. If your friend loves spending, money or a gift card to their favorite store is also sensible.

Not all presents have to be expensive. A card wishing your friend a happy birthday and explaining how much you love them is oftentimes more than enough.

Whether it is a card or a stuffed animal or how big and extravagant your present is, presents do not represent or give worth to your friendship; just get your friend something that they will love because it is for your friend’s birthday. It is important to remember that just spending time together and being present can be a beautiful present as well. So, get out there and celebrate your friend’s birthday!