By Lylyan Yenson, Staff Writer
On Tuesday, the Barons girls’ varsity tennis team played against Edison High School. Despite their valiant effort the girls fell short with a score of 5-13.
“Although we didn’t achieve our ideal score with this match, I believe that we will be able to bring our game to the table next time as we’ll be more prepared,” said junior Christy Chau.
Regardless of the score, the girls were able to give it their all against Edison and the new varsity players gave a great effort in their first official varsity match. Doubles team, Christy Chau and junior Paige Ngo, won one game. Meanwhile sophomore singles player, Nghi Trinh, and doubles team, junior Kaylee Tran and sophomore Emily Tran, each won two matches.
“For preparation for the next match, I know that I need to put my head into the game and really focus on what the opponents are trying to aim for,” states Chau.
Many of the players are still adjusting to the new lineup and will need to prepare for future games by playing smarter and making a game plan against their opponents.
“This match against Edison was an eye opener into seeing what we can improve as a team, but also as individuals,” says Chau.
Even though they were unable to win this game, the girls still tried their best and will work on their technique to take down the Oilers in their next away game this Thursday.