By Isabella Purdy
“Beetlejuice” hasn’t even had a proper solid year on Broadway… so why is it getting evicted? Is there any hope left for this unique musical that has become a huge sensation halfway through its run? I will attempt to answer all of these questions and more and why fans should still have hope for this sensational musical.
“Beetlejuice” did not start out successful. But somehow, it has managed to become a huge sensation today. January itself has been named the month of Beetlemania, with countless celebrities filing in to see the show before it is evicted on June 6, 2020. It has gained one trillion views on TikTok, and its cast album has been streamed well over 150 million times. So, despite its rocky start, why is this huge hit closing so soon?
Broadway shows must pay rent in order to be on Broadway. There are only a certain amount of theaters that can be called Broadway theaters in New York. The answer lies in a stop clause that the Winter Garden Theater has. A stop clause is a rule in the rental agreement that the theater can evict the show if it doesn’t make enough money in a period of two weeks.
The agreed amount was not made in May 2019. As a result, the Winter Garden theater can kick out “Beetlejuice”. But, since the show is so popular and profitable now, why get rid of it?
The answer is “The Music Man,” a musical that has been running on and off for many years. They too, are after the Winter Garden Theater as a space for their rebooted musical. “The Music Man” will start next Fall and will star celebrities in the Broadway world, especially Hugh Jackman. Since “The Music Man” can potentially make more money due to its celebrity cast and popularity as a classic, “Beetlejuice” is getting the boot.
“Beetlejuice” has a massive set that is very elaborate to move. Time, money and space are not on the musical’s side for finding a new Broadway home. It would cost four million to move “Beetlejuice” to another theater due to its intricate set. Finding a theater large enough is hard on Broadway because Beetlejuice needs a lot of wing space.
So, is there any hope?
Yes there is. While the housing situation on Broadway looks bleak, June is still a long time from now. We don’t know what could happen between now and then. It is also confirmed that “Beetlejuice” is going to move on tour. This would help them reach a bigger audience since many of their fans are teenagers that cannot afford to go to New York to see the show before June. “Beetlejuice,” however, is not going down without a fight. They understand their fanbase is willing to fight with them for their spot on Broadway.
So, in the words of the Juice Man himself, “Don’t freak out”. If you can, go and see the show or use the hashtag #SaveBeetlejuice and keep on streaming the cast album and watch it’s TikToks. While it’s heartbreaking that they’ll be leaving, the cast knows that their fans care, and the eviction isn’t on them. We have to stay positive and support everyone that has helped make “That Beautiful Sound”!