By Katy Nguyen
School districts and college campuses across the country have reported a spike in COVID-19 cases due to reopening of in-person instruction.
The Huntington Beach Union High School District (HBUHSD) plans to transition back to in-person instruction on Nov. 3, through a hybrid-online model. What will that look like at Fountain Valley High School (FVHS)?
FVHS Principal Morgan Smith and HBUHSD have both sent video presentations detailing FVHS and district reopening procedures to parents and students through StudentSquare.
Staff and students will be asked to self screen for COVID-19 symptoms and to stay home if they have a temperature exceeding 100.4 degrees. Each school in the district will also have their staff tested for COVID-19 days prior to the reopening date.
There will be signs across campus that asks students to keep their masks and/or face-shields on at all times. Some individuals may be exempt from mask coverings for medical or other reasons, but require documentation of their relevant condition to be exempt.
“Masks are required but some may have a doctor’s note to wear a face shield instead of a mask. Students will be required to wear a mask at all times or they will not be able to attend school in person,” Smith said.
For those who need Personal Protective equipment (PPE), they will be provided. Students and staff may bring their own PPE as long as it complies to the school’s dress code.
At school, students are expected to maintain social distance in classrooms, hallways and restrooms. Hand washing stations will also be stationed around campus, as will signs promoting proper hygiene practices.

“All staff will help monitor students during passing period and during class time to help students stay distanced. Each hallway will have a specific entrance and exit to help keep the flow of traffic moving in the same direction,” Smith said.
Classroom layouts will be color-coordinated to ensure that students do not sit in the same spot as the previous class.
“The set-up will vary slightly but roughly, rooms will be designed with three alternating colors for desks; each color will be six feet apart from the next. Imagine Red, Yellow, Blue, and the distance between each row being 6ft. Each period can sit at a different [table] to reduce shared surfaces,” Smith said.
In addition, all classrooms will be sanitized daily and supplied with cleaning equipment. Restrooms will be cleaned throughout the day and the number of students using them at any time will be limited.
Because students will not be allowed to share materials with each other, they will need to bring their own district-issued Chromebooks, chargers and other supplies they may need for class.
HBUHSD will be providing plexiglass shields for teachers and is upgrading air filters at all its school campuses.
Visitors and parents will have limited access to campus, and they must follow the guidelines of social distancing and mask-wearing. When dropping off and picking up students, there will be designated areas to do so.

The Cafeteria will not be open for students and the nutrition services will be pick-up only. Read more about this here.