By Anneliese Duong
Hybrid students returning for in-person instruction will see things a little differently this year. Lunch break has been removed, leaving students grumbling in class.
Since March 18, the Huntington Beach Union High School District has implemented a grab and go meal program that allows students to pick up lunch free of charge. As students return to campus, they will be able to pick up lunch and breakfast at two stations.
They can choose to pick up their meals towards the front of the school by the Administration building or at the Speed Lines behind the cafeteria while following social distancing guidelines.

A typical meal is filled with all the components for a healthy diet: breakfast, lunch and juice or milk.
“We offer bacon cheeseburgers, mashed potato bowls, rice bowls and pepperoni pizza,” Senior Food Service Assistant Kelly Laney said. “We try to [give students] a good variety so [they] don’t feel like they’re constantly eating the same stuff. We also try to make some of the options healthier.”
Senior Ethan Gustin, who is in team two of hybrid learning, enjoys the grab and go meals now that he is on campus.
“[I got my meal over at the Speed Lines.] It’s pretty efficient because you don’t have to wait that long,” Gustin said. “At most, it’s two minutes and the [food] is pretty good.”
The nutrition service will serve food from Monday to Friday from 1 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. for distance learners and Tuesday to Friday from 12:30 p.m. to 1 p.m. for hybrid learners.
“We’re happy with what we’re providing,” Laney said. “We just want to let more students know that it’s available to them and it’s at no cost, so every student qualifies to have both a lunch and breakfast.”
This article was first published in the November 2020 issue of the Baron Banner print newspaper.