By Hien Bui & Britney Tran
In an uncertain world, the stars can exist as a source of consistency and comfort. From the moon phases, shooting stars, eclipses and meteor showers we may be familiar with to the more arcane likes of oppositions, planetary alignments and retrogrades. Astrology offers an interpretation of our lives and the world through the lens of the solar system we live in.
In the remainder of this first half of 2021, there are numerous cosmic events to mark on your calendar. Whether you believe in astrology or think it’s a pseudoscience, there’s a whole performance put on by the stars and planets of our solar system and you don’t want to miss them!
When in doubt, why not turn to the stars for guidance?
March 20: March Equinox
We conclude March with the first equinox of the year, also referred to as the spring or vernal equinox. This day marks the transition from dreary winter days into bustling springtime. Daylight hours, which have been growing longer each day since December’s Winter Solstice, culminate in an equal split between dark and light hours on this day. This equinox provides a chance to see Venus in the night sky and can be a personal turning point—expect to experience more life force and creative energy!
March 28: Libra’s “Worm Moon”
Did you know March’s full moon is traditionally called the “worm moon”? This time of year being when the ground softens and earthworms appear granted this celestial event its strange moniker. During this event, the Sun and Moon are aligned on opposing ends of the Earth, creating a fully illuminated moon perfect for nighttime viewing.
As the Aries season kicks off, the sun in Aries forms an opposition, a challenging aspect in astrology, with the Libra moon. Oppositions can be a complicated time as astrological energies are at odds, creating a “polarity” that may create hardships. This event may manifest in a desire to avoid disruptions and preserve peace. A strong need for harmony may also overtake you especially as heightened emotions threaten to challenge the balance.
There’s a sense of caution that may exist alongside a readiness to tackle new challenges especially when they offer growth or learning opportunities. You may be presented with choices that will better structure or simplify your life, leading to improvements in organization.
This Aries-Libra polarity offers an interesting dichotomy between the Aries-represented “self” and Libra’s “other.” The former demands self-assertion while the latter emphasizes compromise. This may result in more prioritizing of relationships and an increased devotion of effort to meeting the needs of yourself and those you care about—essentially, a balance between independence and dependence.
Urge to not only seek imbalance but strive to fix it where you can. Luckily, you’ll feel more focused during this new moon and may even find helpful interactions with those older or more experienced than you.
April 22: Lyrids Meteor Shower
Meteor showers are an astronomic spectacle. The Lyrids meteor shower begins on April 16 but the brightest meteors will likely cross the skies between April 22 to April 23. This peak might operate at a rate of 20 meteors an hour streaking through the night for anyone’s viewing pleasure.
That is, if the full moon wasn’t going to disrupt this meteor shower with its glare. Casual viewers will likely only catch only the brightest meteors.
Meteor showers can be symbols of spiritual awakening or “cleansing” in our lives. Astrologically, they denote an energy shift where we may start seeking deeper meaning or finding our intuition heightened. This may take the form of situations where motives are called into question and tested for authenticity or alignment.
Cosmic events like this meteor shower have a tendency to “shake us up,” leaving anything that’s not aligning with our plans more likely to fall by the wayside so that we can better devote and concentrate our energies. This may be a time where the true pursuits you’re supposed to follow may open up or become clearer.
May 6: Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower
May starts off strong with a meteor shower named after the Aquarius Constellation. Created by dust from Halley’s Comet, this meteor shower will be most impressive at night from May 6 to May 7.
The Southern Hemisphere will see the crux of the meteor shower’s activity and its 60 meteors an hour rate, but it will also be visible in the Northern Hemisphere for anyone looking to catch a lucky glimpse from their backyard.
This meteor shower may be a time for inspiration and resolved conflicts, likely social or internal in nature.
May 26: Total Lunar Eclipse and Supermoon
As the moon passes completely through the Earth’s shadow in a phenomenon called a lunar eclipse, the planet’s shadow will darken the moon’s surface, turning it a rusty, red color. This full moon will also be at its closest point to Earth, creating a supermoon that’s bigger and brighter than its regular counterparts. This sight will be visible from anywhere on Earth.
Energy cycles tend to linger in the three months after lunar eclipse events. In the wake of this May eclipse, it may be a great time to dust off emotional baggage and refocus yourself towards renewal and rejuvenation. This may fall after or near the end of AP examinations—take it as a sign to finally commit yourself to that healthy sleep schedule or just some much-needed mental snooze.
However, don’t get too comfortable as this possibly transformative period can bring sudden and abrupt changes. Embrace these changes as they are meant to bring guidance and movement towards positive directions. It’s still a good idea to reflect upon your life and any hang-ups that may still exist. This is a good time to forgive people or simply let go of things you no longer need to hold onto.
June 10: Annual Lunar Eclipse and New Moon
June ushers the end of one of the strangest school years the world has ever had along with a new moon! A new moon that won’t be visible due to the annual lunar eclipse.
Fun fact about lunar eclipses: they’re linked to their day counterparts, the solar eclipse, which is also happening around this time. The solar eclipse is where the moon blocks out the sun, only letting a ring of light peer through.
This may be the best time to observe objects in the galaxy that aren’t usually visible underneath the glare of the moon such as galaxies or distant star clusters.
This new moon marks a push from fixed patterns or routine. There may be some direction into unknown domains that bring disruption. This will cultivate personal and professional growth in the end, but will also be a time for letting go of the past and closure. There’s also a chance to end unpleasant patterns or behavior loops, especially unconscious or borrowed ones.
With the degree and position that this moon occurs in Gemini, the following astrological signs may feel its heightened effects: Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius and Capricorn.
June 20: June Solstice
The summer solstice, the longest day of the year, heads into 2021 with purpose and drive. This is a signal of new beginnings, fresh starts, and renewal.
Falling on the Cancer-Capricorn axis, this event may call on people to pay attention to their internal needs—instincts, things brushed off instead of dealt with, and deeper feelings will be hard to dismiss. There’s increased importance to our interpersonal relationships as we start to seek the security, sense of belonging, and/or safety that these interactions may bring. Be vulnerable!
This event will also highlight the flaws in important systems in our lives and, running with the theme of fresh starts, inspire us to tackle them head-on. Things must end for other, better things to begin or start anew. Don’t be afraid of giving something up in order to move forward.
Whatever the next three months may bring, there are numerous starry sights in the Northern Hemisphere to look forward to. Try stargazing with your family and friends during the meteor showers or lunar events we’re having! Alternatively, just sit back and enjoy the beginnings, renewals and improvements that the cosmic events of this first half of the year are bringing.