By Minh Ngoc Le
Homecoming. Just the sound of the name gives impressions of flashing lights, blasting music, and a night to remember with all of your friends. For these seniors, this year’s HOCO is extra special. Voted by their fellow FVHS students in the last few days, these 10 outstanding candidates have been chosen as the top 5 boys and girls in their respective categories.
Amongst more than 100 other students, the Kings and Queens were nominated through two rounds of online voting. This year’s King lineup includes Ian Bui, Luke Crosby, Joshua Matthews, Zander Sherry, and Zuri Sherry. The Queen lineup includes Ashley Do, Trinity Miller, Evelynn Pham, Charlene Vo, and Laney Wang.
Being on the Homecoming Court is a huge honor for the royalties. The court members are all distinguished members of FVHS and represent the different aspects of the Baron community. With that said, here’s how the FVHS 2022 Homecoming Kings and Queens feel about being on the HOCO Court.
“I think it’s pretty cool,” senior Luke Crosby said. “[I] Honestly wasn’t expecting it at all and didn’t really want to make it at first, but it’s pretty cool.”
“In my opinion, being on the Homecoming Court is pretty cool,” senior Ian Bui said. “I was definitely surprised when I realized I got voted on, but it was a pleasant surprise. I’ve always seen Homecoming Court as this huge epitome of what high school is about, but it’s kind of mellow… surprisingly!”“I’m really excited,” senior Zander Sherry said. “I’m super happy that my brother made it as well. I would be very surprised if I was in the shoes of my freshman self and would not recognize where I am right now. And I would think that this is all a joke. I really think it’s super funny how I actually won this because I never expected it.” “I was very surprised. But I also think it’s kind of cool,” senior Zuri Sherry said. “I’m very very excited. I’ve wanted to do this since last year- Jude Ton was the Homecoming King; he was in choir, and so am I, so I see it as carrying [the] tradition,” senior Joshua Matthews said.
“I feel very excited,” senior Laney Wang said. “I’m very shocked because I did not think that I was gonna make it this far. I think I’m gonna have a lot of fun!”“Being on HOCO court is something that’s never even crossed my mind. Although for some, HOCO court is based on popularity, I see it as a way for teams, clubs, and even friend groups at FV to come together and vote for someone to represent them, ” senior Ashley Do said. “And I am so so proud that this year we have not just one, but two dance team members on the court. It’s still so surreal to me that as a freshman I thought about asking my teammates not to vote for me once I got to my senior year, and now I’m here. I’m just extremely thankful to have such a supportive team and friends!” “I’m overall very happy and just honored that people and students in Fountain Valley know me and know what I do enough to vote for me,” senior Evelynn Pham said. “I’m just so excited for Homecoming.” “I’m really happy about it; it’s something I’ve dreamed about since I was little and I’m glad that it’s with a community like FVHS,” senior Charlene Vo said. “Everyone is so supportive, and I really hope I win.” “Homecoming court is such an honor and brings me much joy,” senior Trinity Miller said. “The thing that makes me most excited about being in court is the dance we all get to do!”