By Myra Chen
Humans aren’t born with a preset box of knowledge. We don’t automatically know all of the answers to the universe. So, it’s not expected of us to know everything or for everyone to be a certified veterinarian. What is required, however, is for pet owners to be well educated about what goes on in their pet’s health and know how to identify abnormalities.
One such common abnormality is one that almost every pet owner experiences: the faint, yet distinct scent of corn chips that trails by your nose every now and then. The scent grows in intensity until it feels almost as if you were bathing in a tub of Fritos. News flash, it’s coming from your dog’s feet. And while some may believe that the scent is just a natural odor of dogs, it can actually act as an indicator for future complications.
Frito feet are caused by a buildup in two types of bacteria: proteus and pseudomonas. These bacterias cause a yeasty odor that is amplified by the heat in the summer. Because of their layer of fur, dogs relieve heat by panting and sweating through their feet, amplifying that corn chip scent.
While this condition isn’t one to immediately begin freaking out about, it is something to keep in the back of your mind. Frito feet can escalate to a more serious yeast infection as the temperatures increase. The natural immune system that dogs have is less effective in heat, making it so that the bacteria in your dog’s paws may no longer be benign, but harmful and a threat to their health.
For such a simple cause, there is a simple remedy. Frequently cleanse your dog’s feet with unscented wipes after walks or runs in the park. It’s essential that dog owners remember that dogs have noses that smell anywhere from 1,000 to 10,000 times better than humans. Spraying perfume and scented products may mask the Frito chip smell, but it is suffocating and irritating for dogs who would much rather smell like yeast.
Prevention beforehand is just as important as alleviating the scent during the fact. Consistently bathing your dog with antiseptic products is just the first step. Owners should also make it a habit to trim the hair around their dogs feet and trim their nails.
Proper pet care isn’t just the occasional pet or the occasional belly rub. As domesticated animals, dogs rely on humans to stay healthy. While Fritos feet are easily resolved and can be prevented, they can go astray quickly when the feet are left untreated for an elongated amount of time.
Dogs, and as all other pets, are living things first and pets second. They aren’t just for show and should be treated with respect and care. Their well being should be the priority and if you can’t afford to have that, then you should reconsider having a pet.