By Candice Tran
With overachieving culture rampant, and burnt-out teenagers anxious about their futures, at least seniors have their kid backpacks to cling to for comfort and nostalgia. In recent years, high school seniors wearing “kid” backpacks to school have skyrocketed in popularity. This trend has been rampant on TikTok with seniors showing off their colorful, cartoon backpacks. Even at Fountain Valley High School (FVHS), the trend has certainly reached its target audience. What kind of backpacks are the seniors at FVHS wearing this year?
Photos by Kailyn Huynh

I think [kid backpacks are] like a cute little, like, full circle moment because you go back to like kindergarten when you were wearing kid backpacks, so I think it’s really cute.

Seniors should all buy backpacks because it shows your personality, and it’s a great way to express yourself, and like, if you like dragons like me, you can show it.

I got [my backpack] from Amazon, and I decided to wear it because it’s like senior year, and it’s like, might as well do everything fun your senior year. Like, go all out. So yeah, that’s why I got it.

I mean, I don’t think [seniors] should wear kid backpacks. I just think it’s cute, like I said, for symbolizing their childhood growth. And it’s just funny. You know, the oldest people of the school, wearing a tiny kid backpack.

Yeah I do [think seniors should wear kid backpacks]. I think it’s fun, and it’s like expressive about like, their personalities when they have like, different types of kid backpacks.

Yeah, I think [kid backpacks are] a fun thing, it’s a fun tradition. And I think like, if all of us just wore childhood backpacks, it distinguishes that you’re a senior. People know that you’re a senior.

I got my backpack on Amazon, and I decided to wear it because I’m a senior, and I wanted to match with all my friends.

I found [my backpack] at Target and I wore it because my brother wore the same backpack last year, and I thought it would be a cool homage or something like that.

I saw [this backpack] on Walmart online, and it’s just growing up, Cars was my favorite movie. And yeah, I just thought it was like a nice backpack to have.
A reason as to why kid backpacks have been popular among seniors is that it’s reminiscent of their childhoods. In an age where we’re all growing up so fast, seniors only want to celebrate the 18 years of progress they’ve accomplished in life by paying tribute to their younger selves by wearing kid backpacks.
So, what kind of backpack will you wear?