By Emma Nguyen
From food to clothes to decorations, Christmas is arguably the most well-celebrated and well-loved holiday in the whole year, but when is it really the right time to start getting into the Christmas spirit?
Should people be decking out in Christmas attire right when it hits November or should we be saving the lights and trees for a few weeks before the actual holiday? Let’s see what students think and how they celebrate Christmas in their household!
Photos by Zachary Leach.

“I love my ugly Christmas sweaters, and my family’s really into decorating. We usually put up our lights the weekend after Thanksgiving and we have a Christmas tree. It should be [celebrated] mostly in December. Christmas is happiness!” senior Kate Tanner said.

“[I start celebrating] when December begins. December is like Christmas month, November is Thanksgiving month, and October is Halloween month. Christmas should be celebrated after [Thanksgiving ends],” junior Connor LittleJohn said.

“I start [decorating] the day after Thanksgiving because I don’t want to take away from Thanksgiving. I think Christmas is more of a December holiday anyway. I don’t hate [people who celebrate early] them, but I think that it’s just not the right way,” junior Lucas Gomez said

“I’m a believer that [Christmas is] the happiest time of the year and that month, or really less than a month, is just not enough. In the guidance office, we created a little bit of news this year because we decorated in early November, and for people who love joy and happiness, they were thrilled. But what I discovered is that there are a few people in the office who don’t enjoy that. I like Thanksgiving, but I wouldn’t call myself a Thanksgiving enthusiast. I feel like getting a solid month and a half or two months is about perfect for me,” Assistant Principal of Guidance Casey Harelson said.