This school year marks the first time that Fountain Valley High School has initiated a dual enrollment pathway for both AP English Language (AP Lang) and Composition and AP English Literature and Composition (AP Lit) classes on campus, as well as a hybrid model for AP Lit.
For AP Lit hybrid, class typically meets every Tuesday and Thursdays, whereas AP Lang hybrid class meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday; these models are suited for those who prefer a more self-paced and independent learning environment. Dual enrollment classes, on the other hand, allow the unique opportunity for students to earn college credit in their second semester. Students come together with a college professor twice every week, and they are expected to follow and be graded by their professor’s college-level curriculum.
Currently, Yvette Wright and Minnie Zeigler lead AP Lang and AP Lit hybrid and dual enrollment classes, respectively.
As we roll into the middle of second semester, here’s what juniors and seniors enrolled in these courses, along with Wright, have to say about their experiences and their valuable advice for underclassmen considering hybrid and dual enrollment classes in the future.
Photos by Zachary Leach
“I like it [AP Lang Dual Enrollment] because you get college credit, and I was already enrolled in Golden West College so the transition wasn’t that bad. The first semester, I think the goal was to pack whatever high school could teach in that one semester. So the first semester was kinda rough, it was kind of a crazy workload…But now with the second semester, the coursework got way easier… you get college credits and you get to show an AP test on your college applications, an extra class shows rigor for colleges,” junior Matthew Hoang said.“In the first semester [of AP Lit Dual Enrollment] we didn’t have dual enrollment, it was just with our English teacher, Mrs. Zeigler, and it was amazing… This semester that I’m taking now, it’s been good. I like having a new teacher [GWC professor], I think he’s really interesting, and it’s been fun to have a new perspective. I do think that the [work] load is a little bit more, because I also have Mrs. Zeigler’s work and also his work to do. I think it’s a good idea [to take dual enrollment], but if you’re not very into English and more into math and science, I wouldn’t really recommend it since it’s a lot of English [homework] and writing. I don’t think I regret it, and I’ve also already gotten into my college so I’m not really stressed about it as much,” senior Miles Dayley said. “So at first I heard things about [AP Lang hybrid] like, ‘oh it’s a very self oriented class, you need to keep up with all your work.’ So I was a bit scared going into it, but I’ve been able to manage everything really well. Mrs. Wright is an amazing teacher… I’m not the best at time management, and I know that, but [the workload] it’s not something completely unreasonable. [Our homework] It could be like work we would do in class if we were to go or something that we left off on that day. And sometimes we don’t have any work, it depends. Yes [to taking AP Lit hybrid], once you take hybrid, I don’t think you can go back,” junior Ema Terada said. “I enjoy the fact that it is practically remote [AP Lit Hybrid] and we only have to meet a minority of the week…something that can be challenging at times is staying disciplined and being on top of the workload, since I’m not going to class everyday it adds a greater aspect of responsibility and integrity. [On] days where we don’t have class, typical class work becomes homework, so there is a bit of work that comes with the leisure. It’s nice to have the option of being able to have a hybrid English class as a senior. However, I wouldn’t recommend it because looking back, I think I would have had better engagement and learning with a full-time class, especially when it comes to a core class like English,” senior Zymy Le said.
“I’m very grateful to be given the opportunity to take this class [AP Lit Dual Enrollment]. Originally I thought the abruptness of switching between two teachers at once would be difficult, but both Mrs. Zeigler and Professor Vo have been accommodating to the students’ situations. One thing I wish I knew before taking the class was that our counselors still recommend that we take the AP test in addition to taking the dual enrollment class. Even though this class has been advertised to count as college credit towards English 110, our class is still unsure if the credits would transfer to all universities. Which is why they still recommend us to take the AP exam. I would recommend this pathway to underclassmen if they would like to get a taste of the college learning experience…The dual enrollment class is a great segway into integrating into the college-learning process smoothly,” senior Jasmine Nguyen said.“AP Lit is a really hard class, so the fact that it’s hybrid, it’s a bit harder to manage your work compared to other hybrid classes since it’s AP. Honestly, I like the fact that you get to leave early and have more freedom. If you have good time management, then I would definitely recommend it. But since it’s a hybrid class, you can’t afford to ignore it if you don’t have that class that day,” senior Travis Le said.“This is my first year teaching the AP and DE combo, and it has been an incredible learning experience for me and for my students! Even after 13 years of teaching AP Lang, I’m always rethinking and refining my approach…One of the biggest advantages this year has been the co-teaching model. Students don’t just get one teachers [but] they get two instructors, two perspectives, and two sets of feedback. Professor Zia brings the college-level experience and insight, while I provide daily support and consistency on campus. This balance gives students a structured bridge between high school and college expectations…The AP Lang/DE Combo class gives you real college experience while still keeping the support, consistency, and fun of a high school setting. If you’re ready to work hard, challenge yourself, and get a head start on college writing, this course is for you. Yes, it’s challenging, but by June, you’ll leave as a stronger reader and writer—and that’s what really matters. Plus, you’re not solely beholden to an AP test score for college credit—you’re earning real college credit on your official college transcript. Altogether, this year has been fun, challenging, and deeply rewarding, and I’m already looking forward to making next year even better…This is actually my third year teaching AP Lang Hybrid…We meet in person three days a week, and I’ve been intentional about structuring the schedule so that students don’t miss out on AP Lang’s most valuable in-person experiences (class discussions and collaborations) while still having the flexibility to work at their own pace outside of class. [If you want to take hybrid] Know yourself. If you need structure and daily in-class reminders, this might not be the best fit for you, no shame, I was that student too. But if you like flexibility, independence, and working at your own pace, hybrid could be a great way to challenge yourself in a new way. My motto for all my classes is simple, be kind and work hard. And that holds true for the Dual Enrollment and AP class as well. Just like traditional AP Lang, it’s a challenging class, but when students lean into the process, embrace feedback, and put in the effort, they see incredible growth. Every year, I’m astounded by how much they improve—students leave this class stronger: better writers, sharper thinkers, and more confident communicators. It’s not about being perfect, it’s about being willing to take risks, revise, and just keep swimming,” English teacher Yvette Wright said.