The Fountain Valley Royal Regiment reached the midpoint of their season on Halloween weekend after taking their tour to St. George, Utah. The band struggled through tough competition against 32 other bands from different states, with their finals performance taking 8th place. However, their slight disappointment was overshadowed by a standing ovation in response to their work on the field.
The Royal Regiment is often portrayed as a top tier organization through dramatic BBN clips and positive general consensus by the public in football game performances. Unfortunately, these are often misrepresentations.
When compared with other bands on a state level, Fountain Valley’s performances don’t quite reach the average skill level. The band’s show concept is no doubt a spectacular, but as an ensemble, the group has much to improve on.
Some members of the band also describe the organization as part of the best, but sub-par among the best. Most acknowledge that the group has potential, but has yet to realize it.
“Some people just get it, and some people just don’t. This situation doesn’t help the group cause, which is the goal in marching band,” claims Ray Larzelere (’12), lead bass drummer who also marched in The Academy Drum and Bugle Corps this past summer.
At the Charter Oak Tournament on 10/15, the band won 5th overall, but 1st in percussion, earning the caption award. The imbalance in performance quality serves as a stumbling block to the band’s path towards excellence.
Despite their struggles, the Fountain Valley Royal Regiment remains one of the most successful organizations on campus. Their show, entitled “Monolithic”, features unconventional concepts that lull the audience. The combination of music and visual techniques delivers a mysterious, mesmerizing atmosphere.
Such a display must be appreciated live, as videos and recordings fall short in capturing the unique performance. The marching band’s next performance will be at the upcoming football game, and the last competition of their season is at Westminster High School on November 16th.