Chronicle is a science fiction film released in American theaters on February 3, 2012. Although it is a science fiction film involving super powers, battle scenes, and a mysterious background, it is much more than just an action movie.
Chronicle is a found footage type film that brings something different to the table. Other found footage films include The Blair Witch Project (1999), Cloverfield (2008), and Paranormal Activity (2009). Typically, these types of movies involve drawn out plots and dramatic build ups to create suspense. They are usually horror-themed and detract from daily life scenes.
However, Chronicle is different. The film takes a simple approach and documents the lives of teenagers in their last year of high school, nearing graduation. Main character Andrew Detmer, played by Dane DeHaan, is the student with family problems. Steve, played by Michael B. Jordan, is the popular class president candidate. Matt, played by Alex Russell, is the childhood friend that sticks out until the end. Together, these three gain superpowers after encountering a mysterious object in the forest.
Throughout the movie, the characters live normal student lives. They attend school, hang out together, and perform in talent shows. Their telekinetic abilities only accompany each scene, and the plot does not completely revolve around their abilities as much as their personalities. The movie’s merit lies in the complex character development rather than the action involved. In a short time span of 83 minutes, viewers witness the rise and fall of ordinary individuals just like themselves.
Chronicle is definitely the movie to watch with friends, preferably high school classmates. It explores social relationships as well as the deeper concepts of friendship. The superpowers and science fiction aspects of the film could have easily been left out because the beauty of the film does not rely on them. The characters and plot adequately draw the audience.