Photo Contest First Place:
by Kevin Kato
Writing Contest First Place:
“The Harsh Reality” by Christine Le
Bellies growl with a burning need for food
Abandoned, lost youngins left with no choice
But to roam harsh roads with blue moods,
Begging passerbys in a hopeless voice
A rummaging hyena; feeling shame
And foulness seeping through tan, weathered skin.
All day, the scavenger is like a game
That is lost when best finds are cans of tin.
Packed markets taunt with their tongues out, seduce
With its allure; temptation overwhelms.
Like hornets, scared owners assume a ruse
And shoo off, back to the accustomed realms.
As daylight fades, dark menacing hours come:
A plea for ending, wanting to be numb.