By Carly Shaw & Ahmed Fayad, Staff Writers
Choir filled Segerstrom Hall, a venue they use every four years, for their winter concert, Sounds of the Season on Monday, Dec. 15.
Led by Kevin Tison, the different levels of choir delighted the audience with many songs ranging from holiday classics to new favorites. In addition to the 300 choir performers and 60 alumni choir members, a 50 piece orchestra provided beautiful music for the audience’s enjoyment.
“It was an amazing experience; their music was beautiful. It had helped all the choir raise their morale and we all were happy to have them there with us,” said Kali Green (15’), student director and member of Troubadours.
There were many songs throughout the night. Robert Zick, the theater teacher at FVHS narrated the story of “Yes, Virginia”, before a song was sung by the Middle School Singers of the same title. Barontones sent the audience into a laughter with the “Twelve Days of Christmas” as sung by Straight No Chasers. However, the song that most students said they enjoyed singing was the classic “Oh Holy Night.”
“I cried during ‘Oh Holy Night’. It was pretty amazing and we got a standing ovation,” said Ashley Schoon (16), a Concert Choir member.
Tison brought the theme of Sounds of the Season: Past and Present, full circle by incorporating two of the three previous choir directors, Dr. Tom Antal and Ted Reid, into their song “Messiah”. While they originally believed that they would be directing at some point in the night, Tison suggested they sing “We Three Kings” in festive holiday crowns.
“We love horsing around so the song was so natural,” said Antal, FVHS choir director from 1976 to 1986.
Antal loved being able to connect with his old students.
“It is always every teacher’s goal to have his student go home and say ‘This was an important night for me,’” said Antal.