Top 4 apps students should have

Photo courtesy of Google Images

by Linh Nguyen, staff writer

There are many useful apps available to students on phones and tablets that can help them with many things like organization or even relaxation. Here is a list of some very useful ones that all students should have:

1. Gojimo 

Everyone takes the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or the American College Testing (ACT) at least once in their life. Test preparation courses can be costly, but this application is free in the app store for iOS phones and Androids. Gojimo helps students with SAT, ACT, Advanced Placement tests and International Baccalaureate tests by preparing them with 150,000 quiz questions plus the detailed answers. This helpful tool is beneficial for anyone that needs some aiding with their studying.

2. Freedom

This app allows you to block distractions such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. This would be beneficial to a student because students are constantly on social media and will help them with being productive. In order for this app to be activated, all the student needs to do is set a time frame for the blockage to happen for how long they would want to be productive for and the app will deactivated all digital distractions.

3. Evernote 

This is the perfect note taking app. There are many features including: taking a photo, recording audio or attaching a file. It also allows all the information to be synced to connected devices like laptops, computers, tablets or mobile phones which will be very convenient for the everyday student. The app can also create folders and help students stay organized.

4. Happify

As all students can relate, stress is a big factor when it comes to school. Stress and anxiety are both harmful and damaging to the health of students. This app will help you find your happy place and make your environment stress free. By setting specific goals and personalizing the app, it can help to increase your happiness. The many features on the app include giving tips to accomplish your goals, providing games to distract you from negative thoughts and training your brain to deal with stress.