Benefits of the Sunday slump

Although many people use Sundays to catch up on work, slacking could actually prove to be useful. Photo by Charisse Nguyen.

By Kailyn Huynh

It’s finally the weekend. Time to rest, relax and just take a break from all that stress — but wait! Suddenly it’s 11:45 p.m. on Sunday and you’re up finishing last-minute homework that is due tomorrow. What happened?

Perhaps the week caught up to you. Friday, you decided to postpone homework until later, but came Saturday and you were distracted, never having the chance to get to it. Now it’s Sunday and you’ve been working all day long. You’re tired and need to rest for school the next day, but still, there is work to be done.

The solution? Do nothing.

Well, finish your homework first, but the next weekend, do absolutely nothing on Sunday.

When I say nothing, I mean no homework, no studying and no working on projects or other assignments. Instead, you should partake in the “Sunday Slump.” Watch television, make some art, take a walk or do anything that gets your mind off of school.

You might be thinking, how can that be productive? Which brings us to reason number one of the benefits of the Sunday slump.

  1. Lessens procrastination

While it may not seem like it, working in the Sunday slump to your schedule can actually help to lessen procrastination.

Now, I’m not saying don’t do anything all weekend — that’d be unrealistic. But by planning out this Sunday slump ahead of time, you can think about doing all your work in the days prior, knowing that you will have one day dedicated to just resting.

Being able to organize your workload is the first major step to stopping procrastination. In addition, since you’ll have all your assignments completed before Sunday, there won’t be any last-minute homework to worry about finishing the night before school starts again.

  1. Mental reset

Mondays are a difficult time for many. Returning to school, preparing to bear the mountain of workload that keeps piling up … it’s disheartening and an unmotivating way to start the week. So, why make yourself even more overwhelmed by overworking yourself on a Sunday?

Although it seems like a just day of lazing around, the Sunday slump can help some students catch up on much-needed rest. 

Working all night the day before school can drain your energy and cause stress which continues throughout the following days. However, completing all your work before Sunday allows you to begin the week relaxed and not worried about school or any other occupations. This positive mood can carry on and provide you with the motivation to last the week.

By participating in the slump, you can give yourself a healthy break right before the week begins. This will allow you to freshen up your mind and prepare for the days ahead. 

  1. Free time

Some students have an extremely tight schedule, barely giving themselves room to enjoy any other hobbies outside of school.

By allowing space for yourself on Sunday, you can have the time to explore your interests or just do leisurely activities. This way, you can catch up on the latest shows, hang out with friends and family, or try something new.

The Sunday slump is a beneficial idea for anyone willing to give it a chance. There’s really no harm in trying it out, so see for yourself. For me, I’ll continue to enjoy my Sundays stress-free.