Pool problems force swim team to practice and compete elsewhere
Problems with the maintenance of the FVHS pool alters the swim teams ability to practice and compete at home.
Problems with the maintenance of the FVHS pool alters the swim teams ability to practice and compete at home.
Concert Choir members travel to New York in April to sing in exciting venues, attend Broadway musicals, and explore the Big Apple.
The many choirs of FVHS joined together in their spring concert, where all of the seniors were honored for their time in the choir program.
Choir hosts the Voice of Fountain Valley, a new fundraiser for the choir program, last Friday.
Concert Choir groups spend countless hours preparing for Valentine gram performances on Friday, February 13.
FVHS Troubadours went on retreat in Catalina after finals.
FVHS choir and theater students learned from watching “Wicked” on Wednesday at the Pantages Theatre.
Choir performs holiday songs at Segerstrom Concert Hall in their concert, Sounds of the Season: Past and Present on Monday, Dec.15.
The FVHS choirs prepare for their upcoming winter concert at Segerstrom Hall on Dec. 15.
FVHS Concert Choir and Troubadours spent two days at Thousand Pines to rehearse for their holiday concert.