Barons fight for climate change in peaceful protest
FVHS students delivered textbooks regarding climate change to US Rep. Dana Rohrabacher to educate and spread their views about the issue.
FVHS students delivered textbooks regarding climate change to US Rep. Dana Rohrabacher to educate and spread their views about the issue.
With the long awaited Spring Break, Barons share some of their upcoming plans.
Wth the makeup Pack the Gym Dance coming up, Barons share their opinions on the dance.
Some FVHS students plan on trick or treating in costumes while others choose to stay home or attend parties.
Come out to PALs first ever event, Trunk or Treat, to enjoy an evening full of fun, candy, faceprint, and more before glow show at 5 p.m.
The Lady Barons come out victorious in their long hard fought battle against the Lions, scoring a goal in the first half with seconds to spare.
Students need to get cleared for homecoming by Tuesday, October 4th. Here is a guide of all the information you need to get cleared in time for homecoming.
Freshmen of FVHS share their initial expectations regarding their freshman year as well as what they’re looking forward to in the upcoming year.
Varsity Girls Field Hockey played fiercely against Chaminade High School with strong offense by Amy Hatfield, but the girls fell short in the end.