Handwriting, the looking glass of personality
Like handwriting, every personality is unique to its beholder. Each stroke tells a story, an autobiography, of sorts.
Like handwriting, every personality is unique to its beholder. Each stroke tells a story, an autobiography, of sorts.
Nostalgic and iconic, the bright colors of the Popin’ Cookin’ packaging has always caught the eye of little children in Asian grocery stores.
The FVHS swim team went head to head against Corona del Mar High School on Tuesday, eventually losing by less than 30 points.
Gossip is not the devil’s telephone, it’s just a telephone.
The term mouth breather generally describes a dumb, dull looking person. Around 71% of Americans are dumb, dull looking people.
Pockets are synonymous with practicality. Yet, modern day fashion insists on lacking said practicality.
Sticky iPad kids (a.k.a. professional contortionists) are the future. We should be cautious.
Hair is one of the most noticeable aspects of a person. Even when it’s missing.
The Lady Barons fall short behind the Edison Chargers and the Marina Vikings at Wave League finals.
The ‘beauty over brains’ narrative of a typical bimbo lacks veracity when it comes to walking. Beyond being effective in carrying bags and showing off your newest set of nails, this style of power walking may be the key to improving spiritual energy.