Candice Tran

Candice Tran.

By Lilian Nguyen

As a photographer and comic artist, sophomore Candice Tran brings a whirl of creativity and imagination to Baron Banner.

As a sophomore, Tran was introduced to this class through her cousin. While knowing that there was an abundance of art classes available at Fountain Valley High School (FVHS), she chose Baron Banner in order to explore her artistic creativity. She wanted the freedom that Baron Banner offers to their comic artists and photographers, something that she finds very important. 

Her passion for art stems from more than just being able to draw. She’s nurtured her artistry through the fact that drawing helps her calm her nerves and is something she genuinely enjoys. Additionally, she also knows that the different pieces that she creates are all unique masterpieces that she knows no one can replicate. 

Tran emphasized the fact that while she loves art and drawing, she gravitates towards a specific style. When finding herself in her free time, she’ll draw unique characters and gravitate towards a more anime style. 

“It’s [sort] of like [a] guilty pleasure,” Tran said. “Thinking about it, it’s really cool [because] I can incorporate my drawing passion for it.” 

However, this isn’t the only style that she can draw in. She definitely knows when to use her artistic skills to her advantage. When the time calls for it, she can quickly adapt to her situations.

“[When] I draw for school assignments or other, more serious things, I try to gravitate towards a more cartoonish style,” Tran said.

While not spending time drawing and actively contributing to Baron Banner, Tran is also involved in a unique club called SEALE. Through this program, she is able to teach international students from Vietnam and Indonesia English. 

Besides juggling school work, club activities and extracurriculars she is also involved with the FVHS girls’ basketball team. She’s been playing before she joined the school team but she is definitely passionate about it. 

Despite her brimming confidence now, before she joined basketball, she was not like this her whole life. 

“I used to be super shy where I wouldn’t even ask the teacher to use the restroom because I was that scared,” she said. “After I started basketball, my confidence grew and I actually spoke to people and made new friends. I spoke my mind and wasn’t afraid of talking and socializing with other people.” Tran said. 

Because of her deep passions for things such as drawing, photography and most of all, basketball, she’s been able to grow as both an athlete and as a person. She may be a sophomore now but Tran has her future set up for success. 

Her ability to freely adapt to her situations and her confidence altogether help her ability to be a successful player on the basketball team as well as giving her a unique perspective for her skills in art which by no means, is an easy feat.