FVHS is ready to rise and shine
By Junanna Chen, Staff Cartoonist
Comic Strips, Single Panel Puns, Story Board Ideas, artistic hand drawings, graphic designs and any work of art evoking the visual sense.
By Junanna Chen, Staff Cartoonist
No matter how much motivation you have, the laziness will always get to you.
Good luck on your finals and don’t grind too hard, Barons.
The tradition of breaking the wishbone could get your wish granted. Good luck and happy Thanksgiving!
The Bell Game is approaching, but maybe we’ll end our losing streak and win this year!
Homecoming is just around the corner. The question is, should you attend or not?
Every year teachers give the dreaded “About Me” sheet to their students, but what really goes on in their minds?
Every Monday morning, Fountain Valley High School (FVHS) starts an hour later. During this hour, teachers hold meetings together, but have you ever wondered what they did during those meetings?
Baron News explains history behind the Battle of the Bell, an annual football game between rivals Fountain Valley High School and Edison High School.
Check out “SHENANIGANS!” Comic right here! “SHENANIGANS!” Comic Series by Ryan Chu Enjoy!