Sarcasm: The greatest linguistic tool
There are around 170,000 words in the English language. Yet there are no words that can be strung together to create a phrase quite as effective as a phrase of sarcasm.
There are around 170,000 words in the English language. Yet there are no words that can be strung together to create a phrase quite as effective as a phrase of sarcasm.
With the rise in popularity of social media, many celebrities’ careers have been jeopardized, leading audience members to disengage with said celebrities work. Is this disengagement necessary? Is it possible to enjoy the celebrities work without connecting it to any wrongdoings they’re guilty of?
Sweat: a lot of water, a bit of salt, a little oil and a bunch of inconvenience.
Oh, how I love being a woman!
Read about the traditions behind Nowurz and its cultural relevance today.
Try out this Mental Health Bingo for some second-semester self care!
Tips and tricks for trapping a leprechaun!
Looking for a refreshing cup of Dutch Bros to start your day? Here are reviews for four of the most popular drinks!
Ever scrolled through someone’s Spotify playlist hoping to get a glimpse of their life? Music tastes can not only display your mood, but also reveal other personal aspects as well!
It’s one thing that happens every four years, but do we know why?