FNL postpones talent show
The school-wide talent show has been postponed to Friday, May 24, due to scheduling complications.
Headline news stories from our school and around the world.
The school-wide talent show has been postponed to Friday, May 24, due to scheduling complications.
Seniors met up in the bowl to take the panorama picture on Wednesday.
FVHS Senate is involved in promoting activities and events and strengthening school culture.
Choir sang traditional songs at the Shoreline Baptist Church on Tuesday.
Facebook became a sea of red equal signs — the icon of the Human Rights Campaign in support of gay marriage.
Orchestra students performed for their annual fundraiser of spring grams on March 29th.
Morning Announcements for the month of April
The Harlem Shake has taken FVHS by storm, with students reenacting the dance and posting videos online.
Spanish Club is selling bracelets from the Pulsera Project, a non-profit organization dedicated to help impoverished youth in Nicaragua.
The second annual Culture Fair was a success for FVHS clubs.