Life after Jimmy Nolan for the Barons football team
After a disappointing 2018 campaign that ended short of their expectations, the departure of head coach Jimmy Nolan seems less of a surprise then an inevitable conclusion to a drawn out story.
Student opinion articles comprising of Op-Eds, editorials, columns and guest editorials, student expression.
After a disappointing 2018 campaign that ended short of their expectations, the departure of head coach Jimmy Nolan seems less of a surprise then an inevitable conclusion to a drawn out story.
By Elyssa Phan, Staff Writer/Photographer As high schoolers, our minds are constantly clouded by the next upcoming assignment, upcoming project, upcoming test… that sometimes, we […]
During the holiday season, many people buy gifts via Amazon or an online store website, which means that they usually get shipped to people’s homes. On one hand, this is very helpful, but on the other hand, many packages get stolen thanks to the greediness of others.
While teens hope flock over to four-year universities, most don’t pause to look at the benefits of transferring from community colleges.
Deteriorating eyesight is something we see spreading throughout the general student population. What factors are leading to this epidemic?
Everybody wants to be a doctor, but not everybody knows exactly what that means.
Against the odds, Sony’s Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse breaks through the superhero movie genre and give viewers a change of pace from the typical origin story. With it’s stunning animation and captivating characters, the film is not exclusive to comic book readers, and has something for every viewer alike.
What is a holiday? By definition it is a day of festivity or recreation when no work is done, but most students think it is just a day where they don’t have to go to school. Holidays are important because they each celebrate a different part of our society.
There’s no shame in going to a college outside of the UC system.
The majority of teachers use a weighted grading system for students that make it harder for them to get a fair grade, but some teachers have started using a raw, point-based grading system. Which system is better?