Comic: Valentine’s Day
Love may find its way to you in the most unexpected ways possible.
Love may find its way to you in the most unexpected ways possible.
Finals are coming up! Make sure to adapt the right mindset.
Art takes much practice and it is difficult to keep up with. Some simple tips may solve that problem.
FVHS senior Newlyn Nguyen has a passion for art, shown through her multiple displays throughout the community and her dedication to improve.
Senior Justin Chia creates stories and captures memories through the art of photography.
Taking inspiration from Studio Ghibili and Asian snacks, Ivy Le has drawn a world of childhood nostalgia.
Scroll through this photo gallery to see some of the LACMA’s most notable exhibits.
“The Astronaut’s Whale” is a heartwarming tale about what so many of us go through at a point or in multiple sections of our lives: the quest to find where you really belong in the world.
FVHS students and Baron Banner staff describe 2020 in their artwork.
Barons are grateful for having a roof over their heads, the solidarity in their communities, nature and more.