Four new science two-year pathways introduced to Fountain Valley High School
Additional pathway course opportunities are available for students to explore psychology, emergency medical response, health careers and nursing.
Additional pathway course opportunities are available for students to explore psychology, emergency medical response, health careers and nursing.
Christmas is one of the most well-celebrated holidays in the year. But when is the best time to start hanging lights and putting up trees?
When selecting courses for next year, students will have the options of high school and college credit classes that take place at FVHS during the school day.
Athletics sixth periods do not follow the traditional sixth period bell schedule but still meet instructional credit requirements.
This school year, Harelson joins Fountain Valley High School’s administration team and will oversee students’ guidance needs.
Students have faced problems with their schedules this year and the registration process. FVHS plans for a policy change to ease the registration and scheduling process for students.