Solve a puzzle for a chance at free tacos! Woo hoo!

Bring in a completed crossword puzzle from the current printed version of the paper to room 306 during break to be entered to win $10 worth of food from Del Taco on Bushard & Warner.
If you’ve never tried to solve a crossword before we hope these tips help make your experience more enjoyable.
• Many answers are phrases consisting of several words.
• Scan for easy clues and fill those answers in first. They’ll help you fill in the answers around them. If you get stuck, don’t hesitate looking up an clue. Sometimes you just need a little help.
• Answers follow the grammar of the clues. For example, if a clue includes a plural, it’s most likely the answer is also plural.
•The same goes for verb tenses. If a clue ends in -ed or -ing the answer probably does too.
• Abbreviations are often used. Clues will tip you off that the answer is shortened in one of several ways. The clue might include a tip like “Abbr.” “for short,” “briefly,” or will include an abbreviation in the clue like “undergrad degree.”
• The letter “I” (i) is occasionally interchangeable with the number 1. For example, you might see a Roman numeral like VII going across and the last 1 could be the first letter in the word ICE going down.
• Practice makes perfect! Once you do a few puzzles, you’ll start noticing how crosswords use a lot of similar words, especially words consisting of common letters like E, T, A, N, S, R. You’ll get to be good friends with words like AREA, ERA, ERIE (the lake), EAT, and ATE.
• More tips from The Atlantic.