Banned Books Week: what is it and why does it matter?
Why should students care about the 38th annual Banned Books Week?
Why should students care about the 38th annual Banned Books Week?
Students and teachers share their opinion on school reopening on Nov. 3.
Read the public comments submitted the September HBUHSD Board meeting here.
The district released a plan for reopening schools.
The HBUHSD Board of Trustees live streamed its most recent meeting following community backlash.
HBUHSD faces frustration from teachers union over reopening plan.
The Huntington Beach Union High School District unveiled its plan for conducting online instruction and reopening schools
HBUHSD has announced instruction will begin 100% online this upcoming school year.
California Governor Gavin Newsom rolled out a new set of guidelines for school reopenings across the state.
HBUHSD has proposed a more lenient grading policy wherein no student will receive a failing mark.