2019 Celestial Events
With the new year here, there are plenty of upcoming out of this world celestial events! Find out which ones are right around the corner and be prepared to see them!
With the new year here, there are plenty of upcoming out of this world celestial events! Find out which ones are right around the corner and be prepared to see them!
The benefits of making pretty notes are pretty noteworthy with boosted creativity, inspiration and focus.
Chapstick is an important part of many people’s lives; they apply it everyday to keeps their lips soft and smooth but what if the reason they were dry in the first place was because of chapstick?
Cassie Chawke lands November Senior of the Month with accomplishments such being a talented dancer and co-president of Rotary Interact.
Flora Wong, co-president of Make-A-Wish and vice-president of Boys and Girls Keystone Club, achieves her wish of becoming November Senior of the Month.
Skilled pianist and president of American Heart Association, Desiree Le, knows all the right keys to hit to become October Senior of the Month.
There are many common disorders that can impact the students, mentally and physically, even as they remain unaware about it and the help that they could receive to overcome it.
From being president of Baron Bowling Club to getting her Girl Scout Gold Award, October Senior of the Month is another addition to Lauren Gergens’s achievements.
Spanish Club celebrates El Día de los Muertos at Noche de Altares with an ofrenda dedicated to Roberto Clemente.
Kirsten Wong’s persistence, responsibility and caring nature help her to become the September senior of the month.