From heights to depths, Caleb Pham dives to success
Junior Caleb Pham is currently the only diver representing FVHS. He just started his diving career last year when he made the switch away from gymnastics.
Junior Caleb Pham is currently the only diver representing FVHS. He just started his diving career last year when he made the switch away from gymnastics.
Using Chat GPT is enticing but brings more harm than good. Abusing it would lead to our intellectual downfall.
ASB held their annual Powderpuff flag football match on the FVHS turf, which the juniors won due to decisive plays and touchdowns.
From practicing photography to learning a new language, this summer comes with a multitude of hobbies to experiment with and try out.
The Board of Trustees unanimously approved the withdrawal which will be effective June 30, 2023.
Struggling to finish writing the end of your email? Check out these email send-off ideas.
With an excellent season so far, badminton won a home game against Whitney High school last week 18-3.
College Board is switching to a digital adaptive version of the SAT and PSAT that will improve the test-taking experience for students and administrators.
Are you a high school senior? Here are some fun activities you can do to make the most of your senior spring while you wait for those all-important college decisions!
CalFresh offers low-income families in California financial grants to offset the cost of groceries.