The Baron Academic Foundation helps students succeed, one grant at a time
From purchasing stoves for Home Economics to donating books for the school library, the Baron Academic Foundation is helping students at FVHS in more ways than one.
From purchasing stoves for Home Economics to donating books for the school library, the Baron Academic Foundation is helping students at FVHS in more ways than one.
Link Crew held its annual orientation for incoming freshmen to tour the school’s campus and have bonding activities last Thursday and Friday.
Come out to PALs first ever event, Trunk or Treat, to enjoy an evening full of fun, candy, faceprint, and more before glow show at 5 p.m.
2016 Link Crew orientation welcomed the new freshmen into FVHS, helping the freshmen ease into high school as well as testing the newly reformed Link Crew program.
In the first episode of season 14, Barons can compare freshmen to seniors, meet the new principal, Dr. Smith, and catch what went down at the […]
Article & Photo Kristie Hoang, Editor-in-Chief Video by Katrya Ly, Editor-in-Chief Hundreds of freshmen and new students got a first taste of Baron pride this Monday […]
Link Crew leaders are chosen for the orientation of the Class of 2019, but many wonder what criteria is used to choose those students.
In the season premiere of the BBN, learn about the ALS ice bucket challenge, how you can get a new skateboard locker, and find out […]
Link Crew leaders welcomed incoming freshmen to Fountain Valley High School at the annual Link Crew orientation on Monday and Tuesday morning.
Link Crew leaders gathered at two training sessions before freshman orientation.